Thursday, May 03, 2007

A little piece of something I am working on.


Anonymous said...

Thought you stopped posting for a while.

kattkieru said...

I hope she gets sucked through some time portal, complete with bat'leth, in Rain Slicked Precipice.

Anonymous said...

Looks good.
At Emerald City I had asked about how big you scan stuff in before you ink and all about the zooming in 500-600%, but I forgot to ask, how big are you drawing your originals for comics vs. splash pages (like poster sized stuff).

Gabriel said...

It depends, sometimes even for a poster all I need is a little sketch about the size of a post-it. Other times I do more finished sketches but never bigger than 8.5/11.

Jonah said...

That’s cool. I always thought you’d have to draw them bigger to get all the details crammed in there.
Thanks in part to the tutorial videos you and Kurtz have done, Jeremy finally inked a full page digitally and it turned out awesome.
You should check it out:

Unknown said...

A return of the blade princess! Awesome. Gabe-- Why do you sometimes sketch in reds and blues? I've heard that blue can be handy because it doesn't show up in the scanner, but you ink over your stuff digitally anyways. What's the strategy you're using there?

Joseph David said...

Hey Man, your stuff is awesome. I jock much... hey, if you don't mind, I'll link you on my blog, can you link me too btw?

Sining out... Leftyjoe.

LW said...

I like how your sketches are purple. All the BEST thinsg are purple.

Troy said...

This looks very interesting!